A warm welcome.
This is me, Sally Mustang.
I am completely committed to the pleasure of my existence. A life filled with beauty, passion and love for our planet.
I believe the relationship you have with yourself and your sexuality impacts your entire life. I want to support others embrace pleasure, sex, life and happiness. Help others find their bliss and gifts and follow them.
I create resin art with my husband Mitch Mustang. I feel so blessed to create alongside him and to be a vehicle for the beauty that seems to come through. My relationship with Mitch is one of my biggest achievements. We are both very passionate about living a sensual and creative life.

Movement for me is medicine. Yoga changed my entire life; I was 21 when I first started, and I use to bring a beach towel as a mat to my local yoga class. I was pretty poor financially, as I had just finished travelling Australia in a tent and living off the land. During this time I became incredibly connected to nature.
Wild would be an accurate word to describe me. I didn’t want a 9-5 kind of job because I knew it wasn’t what I was here to do. So, I ate at soup kitchens sometimes and volunteered at community gardens for veggies. I also started to paint. At the time I wasn’t really doing canvas but more making sculptors and painting driftwood.
Yoga was the first time I connected with my spirit as an adult. After throwing myself into the practice for a year I decided to do my teacher training. Teaching / guiding others now brings me so much joy as I know what the practice did for me years ago.
These days I am outside as much as possible and when I’m in nature, I feel most myself. I have spent days hiking with just myself and a pack, drinking water from a stream and carrying and sourcing my own food. I have a BEAUTIFUL community of people around me and I seem to be surrounded by the most magical, almost unimaginable situations all the time these days - I couldn’t have even dreamt up this kind of life when I was a kid - it makes me so proud because I know my life is a reflection of what’s going on inside.

So many things have shaped who I am and the life I live:
Love. Heartbreak. Sex, exploring my sexual self and just being open to new experiences sexually. Birth. Becoming a mother. Art, Family, Hiking. Growing food. Cooking. Travelling. Exploring. Drugs and exploring different states of consciousness. Also exploring sobriety, so no substances of any kind including coffee etc. Late night conversations with friends. Laughing so hard your belly hurts. Taking time off. Taking a few years off actually was something I did when I was 21, as I mentioned just living in a tent off the grid, away from the system. Moving towns 29 times. A lot of time alone.
Yelling, screaming, crying, howling at the moon. Being silly, playful - having fun. Being vulnerable. Sharing SO much of myself to the world which has resulted in amazing opportunities, a voice, and platform, but also opening myself up to the judgments and pre-conceptions that hundreds of thousands of people have of me. Learning to embrace that. Work with it. Run with it. Saying yes more than no, but also saying no more than yes sometimes.
Going plant based / organic as much as possible. Starting up business without any idea about business (trust me everyone can do anything they wish)
. Various teachings, workshops, events, self-inquiry. Lots of healing sessions with various gifted people - Tapping, hypnotherapy, intuitive massage, reiki, sound healings, bone readings, chats with pirates that are still working with voodoo, voice sessions, inner child work, archetype work, dance, breath work, learning the basics in astrology. Working with plant medicines, Shamans, ceremony and ritual.

Being wrong, really wrong. Being right, learning to trust myself. Learning to harness my magic. Learning to accept my magic, learning to shine my magic. When I say magic, I mean my light. Learning to shine bright regardless of who I may offend / inspire along the way. Learning how to speak my truth. Learning how to love my dark side - unleash it, dissolve into it, welcome it, celebrate it.
Running away. Staying put. Speaking up. Embracing new ways and cultures. Reading lots. Really listening. Educating myself on health and environmental issues. Working with animals. One-on-one with Elephants and White lions. Taking chances - fucking lots of them.
I get a lot of people asking me online - ‘how do I live this kind of life.’ The truth is I created it. I guess you would say I have done a lot of ‘work’ on myself. In saying that, I mean I have looked at myself and continue to. At my behaviours, my relationships and my purpose on this planet. I do a lot of self-inquiring. Checking in all the time on where I’m going and what I’m doing. I could talk a lot more about my inner and outer self-journey over the years - but really, I think the best thing to say is that you need to be brave and you need to overcome fear because it’s a disease that will kill your soul.
It’s also not always easy healing yourself and really looking at yourself. It can be really scary, really uncomfortable and you have to change, but it’s worth it, every little bit of it! My life is proof of this. We all really need to do the work. It's what life is about. If we all start to heal ourselves, we will change and heal the planet, and evolve humanity.